We often hear from customers looking for a new VP44 diesel injection pump who have come across a competitor product sold at a lower price point. Due to the significant investment our customers make in the purchase of a new VP44, they are understandably looking for the best deal on the market. But we want our customers to be cautious in buying a cheaper pump, as they may be get exactly what they pay for.
When Blue Chip Diesel receives cores, we disassemble 100% and machine all housings to do a fresh build. Whether a new or used part, it is an upgraded part that is used in our pumps. Over the years, there have been seven upgrades, so when you purchase from Blue Chip, you are getting the freshest version build available. Although old style parts may still be good, quality is the most important feature of our pumps, so don’t want them in our builds. We sometimes sell these parts to a few of the places you may see advertising inexpensive pumps.
Another area of caution is when a business sells a cheap VP44 injection pump for $1,000 and a one-year warranty, and also sells that same pump for a two-year warranty for just $500 more. Often what you are getting is the exact same pump with an extended warranty that they may or may not stand behind. Typically, if you see a pump advertised with a new computer for anything less than $1,800, the chances are you are getting a knock-off part or you are on the receiving end of some false propaganda.
Every pump we build is run on an 815 test-stand and the computer is flashed with the most recent program, unlike some other re-manufacturers that use working computers without a re-flash. Others may put in the one part needed to make it function, spray paint it and call it re-manned when it is not.
We have customers come to us all the time, who tried to save money and purchased a cheap pump, later running into big issues. They then come to us to make the right choice with a quality purchase and are satisfied with their decision. We want you to make the right choice for your vehicle. While Blue Chip Diesel injection pumps may be more money up front, they will save you significant dollars down the road.